For example I always thought I'd end up in some groovy Palm Springs-type sleek house, with low-slung armless sofas and Barcelona chairs. Instead I live in a dark little Tudor Revival house. My father made furniture his whole life and the various arms of the Strong family are chock full of it. I recently ended up with this corner cupboard that he made. I never thought I was a corner cupboard person - I mean, what's next? A butter churn? But you know what? I really love it. It's handsome - solid cherry - and not fussy and offers a world of storage and let me tell you: Tudor Revivals are a little skimpy on storage closets so that really does come in handy. And I get to display my skull and crossbones crystal! And Sister Meg's girly china.
I'm still not used to it yet; I catch it out of the corner of my eye and think for a second "what the hell is THAT?" But then I remember that that's what type of person I turned out to be. A corner cupboard person. Huh.
Huh. That is a handsome cabinet.
Perhaps you're really a Handsome-Cabinet-That-Happens-To-Fit-In-A-Corner-And-That-Was-Made-By-My-Father kind of person.
Hey, I have that same decanter! But mine's not juxtaposed with fancy china—a fine arrangement.
Like your style; hope to see more frequent posts!
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